Whether you need a new pad for your PoochPad Potty Pro or just need a high-quality, reusable potty pad, the PoochPad Indoor Turf Replacement Potty Pad has got your needs and your floors covered! Each reusable potty pad absorbs four times its weight in liquid and can be machine washed over 300 times before replacement is necessary.

  • Perfect for potty training a puppy, for dogs in apartments, those left alone all day, senior dogs and those recovering from an injury.
  • Odor inhibiting layer with Microfine fibers helps keep your home odor-free.
  • Elastic straps on corners to anchor to PoochTurf or PoochGuard Hike Shield
  • No tray needed. PoochPads absorb four times their weight in liquid and won’t leak onto floors.
  • PoochPad Reusable potty pads can be machine washed and dried and can last 300 or more wash cycles with proper care.
PoochPad Indoor Turf Dog Potty Replacement Pads, 2-pack
Price reduced from $27.99 to $20.99
SKU: 1011701
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